Perspectives…Choices…Dreams: Don’t Give Up Just Yet…

As the year ends, all I can think of is how I have grown into a more resilient woman. Going back to school to complete my degree in Behavioral Science, has been one of my best resolutions this year. With the help of many, and more importantly, the support of my special someone, who by the way, consistently motivates me to achieve nothing short of the best in my academics.

Life throws so many punches at you, inadvertently; you will learn to sidestep them. In fact, anticipating any unforeseen punches might allow others to see you as one of the “strong superwoman” figures.  It takes many of life’s unexpected jabs, to enable you to discover the true meaning of being at peace with yourself. For this peace, is what many folks search and long, so deeply for, that they almost forget the essence of living life to the fullest.

I will start by mentioning that, completing my education has always been paramount in my life’s decisions. However, the past previous years threw me off, thus holding me back from accomplishing one of the most rewarding things I have always desired.  You see, education is something of an ongoing lifetime achievement. Education isn’t something that should be stopped when one reaches a certain age. It should certainly be that of an ongoing life experience, that drives one to thirst for knowledge for the rest of their lives.

This year, I took a strong interest in my academic life. I discovered that, somewhere within me lay the part that wanted to learn more about what I was called to do. Learning has always been an interesting phenomenon to me, and I am grateful for every chance I am given, to learn about something new. Consequently, going back to school this year was a choice I made because I was tired of the constant nagging of my mind.

My mind, with its many ideas, will at some point, need some sort of organized direction to bring its ideas to successful fruition. Being that you cannot get a good job today without a college degree, I knew I was making a great decision by choosing to stop procrastinating, and complete what I have since begun. Therefore, with a full-time job, working as a team-leader in a nursing home, caring for and rehabilitating adults with various disabilities, I cannot possibly stress enough, how daunting this job is. However, it hasn’t deterred me from accomplishing my dream of becoming a clinical psychologist.

Therefore, for all the women and men out there, who take up the responsibility to go back to school to complete their education, I say kudos! There is no limit, no age criteria, which should limit one from pursuing their dreams, hence through education. You see, education is a responsibility itself. It must be nurtured, taken care of, made provisions for and most certainly, it must be desired.

Finally, it helps a great deal, having a strong support system surrounding you as you make this big step. Having a strong support system not only boosts your self-esteem, however, it also encourages you to want to do better. Your decisions, from that point on will always remind you of those standing behind you.

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