Rekindling Friendships: The little things count..


Today, my very good friend Liz gave me a fancy journal. You know, the ones with the sturdy back and fine paper leaf. This beautiful journal, came with fancy pages, I could only smile as soon as I laid my eyes on it.

She knows how much I love to write, so she decided to surprise me with this nice gift. To many, it’s just a small gesture but to me, it’s a beautiful gesture that just tells me that she thinks fondly of me. Not only does she enjoy our friendship and our special “girl talks”, but she also thought of me when she saw this journal.

She knew right then that there’s a writer in her life who would benefit from this awesome gift. Then, she just gave it to me out of the most sincere, heartfelt way. Okay, maybe not so emotional, but she gave me this journal in the most genuine way possible. It was almost like a je n’ai sais quoi kind of way, “oh, I got you something.” Just like that! Little did she know how much it meant to me.

In hearing those words, I never imagined it would be something this sweet–a new journal. Everyone close to me knows how much I write my ideas down, doodling everywhere, and just occasionally blurting out random ideas –airing my thoughts at those unplanned moments. This is exactly what I needed!

Why does this matter to me? Well, because for one, she’s a busy mom with kids and she still found time to remember me. She saw something that would benefit me, and she had to get it for me, simply because it reminded her of me. Secondly, she knows how much I enjoy writing! What an awesome way to encourage someone who at times doubts their writing skills as not being any good. In retrospect, she made my evening regardless, and this has really earned her a lot of extra respect from my end.

Little things DO mean a lot, especially if you have a heart that appreciates the littlest of gestures. In good and bad times, I pray we’ll always remember these little gestures as a resounding acknowledgement that, there’s always a friend who looks out for you when you least expect it. You’ll just have to open your heart to experience this…from within.