Selfish Love

Selfish love; it seldom grows.

Who would like to fall for someone who only cares about what’s in it for them. They imagine an ideal relationship devoid of an eventual “we”, they allow their minds to remain stuck in that “me” stage.

A stage where only their needs and wants grow, in fact, they see no one else but themselves. This is toxic! Very unhealthy to say the least! It can never grow, and I can only imagine this “selfish love” being stifled for a very short period of time indeed.

Love, though complicated, I believe it is something that must be shared. Love is a conscious choice, therefore, if you’re willing to love someone, there must be room made for compromises. So, this thing called love, must be respected—no matter what. In a love-romance-intimate relationship, we must always remember to make a conscious effort to support the other.

Remember it is always about the other person, putting them first at all times. If two people give to each other, how then can anything lack in that relationship? Selfish love is not fun, it drains you, and eventually wears you out physically and mentally.