The wrong one

The wrong kind of love

We’ve all been there. At least some of us. That one relationship that left us scarred for life, leaving us in a state of conflicting distrust—a definite, that we may never easily trust again. So what’s in it for us? We may ask ourselves when found in a situation where we are prompted to even as little as try to trust again. We make known the hidden uncertainties of our past the present, sending those around us in a state of panic as they battle the mixed signals being sent out to them. I can’t begin to comprehend how easy it is for one to trust another so easily, especially in love/romantic relationships.

Loving the wrong one can bring a lot of pain in the end. When these fleeting relationships are at its peak, we forget to really pay attention to the signs. Instead, we focus on potentials, thus forcing us into a state of masked escapism wherein only our insecurities appear faltered. Everything seems bleak, in fact, we are easily convinced that, the hidden pain we feel is just one of those things that come with love. Yes, we actually convince ourselves subconsciously that these things are normal. In such little time, we’ve allowed ourselves to believe the impossible—that which we once feared, now an unmasked reality.