Promises: An expensive currency

Promises are one of those things in life we just don’t want to get ourselves entangled in, at least the broken promises that is. If you make promises, you are obligated to keep them. In all formalities, let’s describe this condescending word “promise”. What is a promise? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a promise is referred to as a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified. Yes, that something specified is where I draw my most critical attention to. With all its attributes, a promise is never fulfilled until all its obligations are met.

So why do people take it for granted? Promises are meant to be kept, and never to be broken. Of course there are unintended broken promises, but most of the time a lot of heartbreaks stem from these same broken promises. As it is said, so should it be! Simple.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep. This is part of a trust-building issue. See, I myself, am guilty of past involvement associated with broken promises. I saw how bad it hurt people, and I have made a conscious commitment to ensure I make things right. You see, for every promise you break, just imagine your trustworthiness balloon being popped each time. Soon enough, you’ll be out of balloons, and eventually left with nothing but your fickle words.

Promises are expensive and we must be careful not to waste them, or misuse them carelessly. They are meant to uphold and not withhold. Remember being heartbroken as a child when you discovered a promise was all a lie? Well, that applies to adults too. So, keep that in mind the next time you make these imposing promises. Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, there are too many people suffering from issues relating to trust, and your broken promises won’t help them in any way

Remember these things:

A promise is a promise

Say what you mean, and mean what you say

Your word is your bond

If you’re not sure, don’t pledge

Don’t make promises in emotionally compromising times







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