Airy thoughts: Little things matter!

Little things mean a lot. I mean, if life were to ask, “What are some of the things that brings you joy?” I am sure most replies would be peace, unconditional love, and contentment. Some might add more to that list, to me, the littlest of things count. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I believe in little, oh-I’m-going to-go-puke (sarcasm), cute little notes, sweet random calls for nothings, and the list goes on. You clearly get the idea, don’t you?

Well, as eclectic as my interests are in life, one thing is for sure, I AM a hopeless romantic. I am undeniably unapologetic, and almost proud about this distinctive character trait of mine. Call me a dreamer, but I love the passionate effect of things related to love. I love late night conversations, long walks, starry moonlit nights, eh—you get the picture.

Therefore, when it comes to relationships, I pretty much judge it by the intensity of the “hopeless-romance effect.” Not always, but at least, in the beginning I use it as a gauge to see how far or how good/bad things are going. It may sound superficial to some, but to those who understand my plight, this is crucial to my intrinsic psyche.

In retrospect, I want to be cuddled, I want to be protected, and most importantly, I want to be loved— the right way. Love is very hard to come by these days, and I will consider myself lucky when I come across that kind of love. Of course, love is not just about the cute little texts, sweet random messages, no! It is much more than that, considering the fact that love is virtually nonexistent in an excessive consumerist society like ours today.

Love me for me

Tell me the things that matter, not what you think I’d love to hear

Love me in spite of me

Never letting these flaws, chips away at our love

Let this thing being built; grow into that thing we both deeply desire

This thing called love—is only near… hidden deep within us

Don’t Rush “Forevers”

You meet someone, and you just hit it. There’s that celebrated “click”, so to say. That “click” that almost sends a raging gush of love-driven emotions down your soul as you finally let it sink in that you might have found “the one”. You know the one you have always wondered about. After reading, watching, and seeing all those media portrayal of cheesy romantic movies about what that perfect “one” would be like. Preconceived notions on who they are, where they’re from, how good you two should complement each other and the list goes on. Never stopping to think of how irrational the media has painted this unrealistic picture of who we should end up with, this isn’t in our dreams! They don’t exist! What a bummer! So what about the “click” the “sparks” the “butterflies”, don’t they count towards a slight conviction that we may be close to the real deal?

That “click” is just the beginning of something that could grow into something actually real. Screw the “Notebook”, “Sleepless in Seattle”, “Best Man”, these romantic movies are just a figment of someone’s imagination. We must be careful not to allow someone else’s dreams and notions of love interfere with what becomes “our reality”. Let’s learn to create our own love stories, embrace our own uniqueness and just let our realities lead us to “the one”. I am yet to meet anyone who is living the “Romantic-Movie story” if that even exists, I don’t want it. I want my own love story. You know the story that started unexpectedly, that if I had to reiterate it to my kids in the future, it’ll be like no other. A love story that is unique and all familiar to me.

So permit me for believing that the “click” is there to lead, to guide, to help us explore what the possibilities could be. When I meet someone, and there’s that “click” I feel like it’s a starting point. Anything beyond that “click” for the next few months will be devoted to measuring the compatibilities, to see if things fit. Anything rushed is never genuine, so I remain guarded, securing my doubt, withholding any past-accepted wisdom of “love”, as I venture into this unmarked territory of getting to know someone new. I try not to rush things; instead, I keep a steady pace that almost resembles that of a growing plant. The seed is planted; it needs healthy soil and a constant supply of water to help its growth. I like to take it slow, because if I have established that the “click” is there, then everything pretty much flows smoothly from that point on.

Forevers are nothing to be rushed. Many who tried rushing forevers found themselves back in the tumultuous arena of confusion of the mind. I once feared forevers, but now I am ready for it. I see it as a journey intended between my right “one” and me.  Whenever I feel that “click”, I let it lead me, I let it guide me, I let it show me whatever it is the other person wants me to see. Rushing forevers will never get me that unique love story, but letting my reality lead me to that ultimate love is where I am leaning. Forever is here, we all have to find it. Finding it with the right “one” is where the the story, the “click” and the “spark” begins..

Too Busy for who?

Let’s talk about time.The formal meaning of time is a plan, a schedule, or an arrangement when (something) should happen or be done. Alternatively, another description of time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events, in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole. The latter, is my favorite description because I see time as that “continued progress of existence” that never ends. There is no end in time, as we are all familiar with the infinite existence of time. After we die, time will continue to exist. At the times when we get hurt physically, mentally or emotionally, time in its own essence will continue to exist. In life, time is valuable and can change lives significantly if used thoughtfully. It is an expensive currency that many give sparingly and others in full abundance.

Time is something I see as within one’s control, to an extent that is. You will make time for what you want, and you will most likely not make time for the things you deem less important.  If you had an important meeting to attend, or an important job interview you’ve waited months for, you’ll make every effort to make sure you’re in attendance to those events. You’ll make sure your schedule is clear for that particular day to make sure you don’t miss it. The anticipation over the months has led you there on that day, to attend and give it your all.

I wish people would stop with the “I’m too busy”, “I just didn’t have enough time”, or my favorite “it wasn’t the right time!”  These flimsy excuses have no justification for showing others you’re giving them “your valuable time”. If I wanted to give you my time, I would offer my availability, and let you pick the day convenient to you to setup a meeting. I won’t sit and make you feel like my life is too busy to let you in, and this is where blossoming relationships don’t succeed because people fail to talk about time!

Time is a sign of respect, and many fail to realize that not giving someone your time could signal a sort of disregard. Not everyone thinks this way of course, but there are a good amount of people out there who feel like their time is equally valuable and should be treated with utmost respect and consideration. So, in relationships when someone says they’re “too busy” to call, email, text, etc, that is just an indirect way of saying, “I have no time for you” “You’re not my priority”. Unless you’re okay with that, you’ll take this the wrong way of course thinking that it must be something you said or did on your end. Talking about time between two people in a relationship is one of the healthiest ways to avoid unintended conflicts that may arise at stressful times. We all have periods of “busy-ness” when we are actually so engaged in life’s activities. We may have families to attend to, a demanding career, imperative academic priorities, and other events that could take our “time” away from others, however, it is much more important to be mindful of not leaving others in the dark.

Leaving others in the dark, coupled with being unavailable because of being “too busy” can signal disinterest, lack of communication, and indifference. These signals are dangerous areas to be in relationships because; it can breed contempt in various ways that may be detrimental to the likelihood of that relationship succeeding. There is so much to talk about with “time” but I hope it helps us understand the importance of not making people feel less important. Why burn bridges when you’re not done crossing, right?


What is freedom?
The will to be …an essence of tranquility
Lighter days of carefree-ness
Not caring— who, what, and where..
Just being what the Creator called you to be..
Freedom is…an expression of thoughts, dreams, living a life— yes, the life we choose to live.
Freedom, when all care’s lost, almost baring one’s soul without care–what he thinks, she thinks, they think or thought or will say…
Freedom is within, waiting to be released through faith, just knowing…you’ll be fine, because we were born free..
Free to be…just BE